Games That Help You Make Money

Whether it be simple traits such as being persistent, diligent, or strategic when it comes to planning, these are all the building blocks needed by any successful entrepreneur.

Of course, you can choose to go out into the real world and get those skills honed, but what if there was an alternative? Why not instead try out simulations first, just to see if the entrepreneurial life is for you?

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Enter the realm of mobile games, and not just any old endless clicker or slow farming and grinding to level up. We’re not just looking at mindless waiting for timers.

Mobile games for entrepreneur-wannabes need to be different. The main aspect of the game should revolve around strategy and careful planning to ensure the optimum return for the effort put in.

So if you’re gearing to be a business tycoon or if you’re just a bit too scared to take the plunge in real life, these 11 mobile games should be the next apps you download on your phone to bring out your inner CEO.

1) Business Inc.

If you want a game that puts you directly in the shoes of how it feels like to run a startup, this is the one. From the beginning, I had no idea what on earth to do and where to start, which I believe a lot of startups may face when pursuing their new path of choice.

Business Inc. is a business strategy game where you are in charge of running a company that develops mobile games.

Your end goal is to expand your business as much as you can to come out on top as the leader of the mobile entertainment market. What you’re given are projects to work on that require you to hire a certain number of talents that can help grow your company exponentially.

The key thing to take note of is the motivation level and skill level of each employee as these are the factors that could make or break your company.

Each employee also has a certain profile attached with him/her for you to evaluate and see whether they’re a right fit for your company which is helpful.

In the beginning, the game offers different levels to suit your own pace as well as a special startup level that can be purchased.

For the startup level, this means that you already have a few conditions set, and certain employees will have been assigned to you. From the get-go all you need to do is just survive.

Available on iOS and Android.

2) AdVenture Capitalist

AdVenture Capitalist is a game that allows players to live the life of a capitalist.

What you’ll be doing is investing funds into certain products to generate revenue, starting with a single lemonade stand. The goal is to generate more revenue, which can be done by increasing your cash flow.

The controls are simple, all you need to do is click a button to buy/invest in. There’re tons of different industries that you can invest in such as oil and newspapers but though this can bring more sums of money, it takes longer for them to give you the payoff.

It’s not just about sitting and waiting for these little money timers to reach their end. You have to carefully plan the best use of your current resources and decide what to upgrade at the right time. Best 3 card poker app. Do you invest in the cheaper fast-earning but low profit industries or put in more into the expensive and slow but ultimately more profitable ones?

Honestly, the choice depends on your style of gameplay. If you’re constantly checking back often, then the fast earners might be a better idea.

And don’t worry, you don’t end up sitting there tapping forever. You can hire managers who will handle stuff for you (because delegation!).

Available on iOS and Android.

3) Tap Tycoon

A game that everyone wishes was real. Tapping anywhere and having money rain down on you.

Tap Tycoon fits its name perfectly. It’s a game where you tap on your screen and money falls which you collect to build your way into becoming a big tycoon. The goal here is to basically make money, lots of it.

But for a game so simple, the goal here is not just to be greedy—it’s actually to help strengthen the economy, which in return strengthens your nation and helps you dominate the world.

That’s your true end goal.

Similar to AdVenture Capitalist, there’re also upgrades which allow you to make more cash per tap. Capitalists also show up in-game to ask you to invest real money for diamonds in the game to help with upgrades.

Take note of the timer at the bottom left part of the screen because that shows when a world war is happening.

This gives the game a sense of urgency because you’ll be using some of your earned funds to recruit soldiers to defend your country.

If your country ends up coming out victorious, prestige rewards will be given which yes, makes you MORE money.

Available on iOS and Android.

4) Tiny Tower

You’ve probably heard of this game and are wondering why it’s included in the list.

In case you haven’t, Tiny Tower is a game where you earning money by building up levels on a tower.

The more levels you have, the more you earn and the more expensive the levels become. The goal in the end really is to build up your tower as high as you can.

Pretty straight froward.

Of course, there’s more to it.

It’s all about balancing your planning the types of shops you build versus the how many residential units you put into your building. Residential units cost in-game money, but you need them to house the tiny residents who will man all the shops you’re putting into the building.

For the really-obsessed, even the placement of the shops on certain floors of the building matter. The residents also come with their own demands and give better returns if they’re happy, so that’s another factor you have to take care of.

There’s no real end goal to this game, which I feel mirrors real life. You just have to keep building up and up, and the goal is to just accumulate as many levels as you can.

Available on iOS and Android.

5) Hipster CEO

So, ever wondered what it takes to run a startup without actually taking the plunge in real life? Then this game’s up your alley.

Turns out running a virtual startup can be quite difficult as well, as shown by this game. Hipster CEO simulates the scenario of you launching and running your own startup. Think of it as sort of like Sims but for startups.

The gameplay is text based but don’t let its simplicity deceive you. You start off by selecting a product idea from a preset list, which has quite a diverse range such as mobile gaming apps, messaging apps, and dating apps.

After that, you select a target market from a preset list once more. From there, you’re given around $14,000 where you now need to get things running.

This is a great game that slyly mocks the hipster culture but still exposes you to necessary business decisions, such as hiring specialists, employee training and upgrading your office environment while maintaining staff happiness.

There are situations when your employees might jump ship or, like what many might relate to, you misunderstand an investor when they increase their equity to give the game its edge. It’s thrilling and a challenge if you’re up for it.

Available on iOS.

6) Billionaire

Billionaire is a simple tapping game where you’re given the option to erect lots of different businesses in order to earn profit fast. The more buildings you build, the more money you earn. However, there’s a catch.

Roblox Games That Help You Make Money

Each building has a threat level which means how risky it is to build as the business may not be so ‘clean’, but if done well it can generate a lot of money. An example of risky buildings is joint dealer hubs. So, do you play it safe but earn low, or go for a risky business and ‘dirty’ your hands?

There’s also a leaderboard where you can see your competitors. Your goal is to be the highest on the board in order to be a billionaire. There’re also crystals which are the in-game currency for you to use for certain upgrades and power ups. The game’s fairly easy to understand so if you’re looking for something light and easy, this is the one.

Available on iOS and Android.

7) Game Dev Story

What goes on behind the scenes of a gaming development company?

In Game Dev Story you’re given the role of a startup video game developer and you’re assigned to make hit titles and consoles to generate money. You’re able to control the quality of the games released, hiring staff, the direction and speed of the development, and boosting your employees or switching their jobs.

The goal here is to be able to earn more money to progress and improve your building so that you’re able to hire more staff, which in return makes better games. The games you produce are assigned review scores when completed, ranging from 1–10 with a comment from the reviewer with his score. The scores affect the sales that go with the game and the sales are ranked with a number according to how they sold that week. Old sportybet app.

Of course, your goal is to make the best games that can sell well, just like in real life. And it takes constant tweaking and improving to make higher quality games.

Available on iOS and Android.

8) Pewdiepie’s Tuber Simulator

Being a YouTuber can look simple, but it’s more complicated than you think. Betfair mobile app android.

The most subscribed YouTuber, PewDiePie, came out with his own YouTube Simulator where you play the role of a budding content creator wanting to become the next big name on the video website. Learn how to record, edit and upload videos in order to generate enough views that can help you to this goal. Simple right?

Just a few clicks and you’re on your way to virtual YouTube stardom.

Not quite so. Though the game looks simple at first glance, it also requires some thought. There are trends you need to follow that give you more views based on which video you think you should upload. It all comes down to deciding which tactic works for you and how the hard work put is going into generating more income.

Available on iOS and Android.

9) Office Tycoon

Another tycoon game that places you in the shoes of the owner to a budding office.

When you first start the game, you’re given a sum of money as a small capital to start off your business. Your job after that is to increase your office value by adding new workstations, appointing employees and getting profit. The game allows you to decorate your office with different items.

The strategy here is to make sure you don’t overspend when it comes to expanding your office, and be smart about what is upgraded. Each upgrade earns you a certain amount of points which then raises up your level and allows you to unlock more items.

Available on iOS and Android.

10) Landlord Real Estate

As the name suggests, Landlord Real Estate allows you to buy venues that you visit in the real world which earn you profit the more people check into those properties in real-time.

What’s cool about this game is that you’re actually purchasing venues within your real-life location, so imagine buying your neighbour’s house and renting it out.

Challenge other global players and manage property and buildings in New York City, London, Tokyo, or even own a coffee shop in your local neighborhood if you wish.

This game requires you to properly think and break down what is it that you’re getting from each property.

The only downside I’d say about this game is that the in-game coins you use to purchase venues do not come easily, which requires you to actually make in-game purchases to progress.

But if you’re already investing in it, why not?

Online Games That Make Money

Available on iOS and Android.

11) Biztopia

It’s not everyday that you’re able to control a panda in a suit to be a business tycoon.

The name of the game is Biztopia and your role is essentially running your own outlet in this imaginary land. Your task is to make sure there’s a proper balance between supply and demand, which is done by figuring out the right pricing to put on products and reaping the rewards from whatever profit is gained.

The game runs on a weekly basis where you’re planning out your expenditure that would last you through those seven days.

The strategy of this game lies in which product is invested in and knowing how to outperform the competitors through the means of sales and marketing methods. It’s not just a game where you can simply purchase a product in bulk and hope to grow your store instantly.

The tactical thoughts that go behind this game are quite extensive because of how you’re forming up different plans that gains you a reputation while also trying to avoid bankruptcy.

Also, don’t be lulled by the musical box instrumental that plays in the background of this game. It starts to become distracting once you’re cracking your brain on how many potion bottles you need to invest in!

Available on iOS and Android.

What other games would be great for entrepreneurs? Let us know in the comments below!

Feature Image Compiled From, Pewdiepie’s Tuber Simulator, & AdVenture Capitalist.